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Welcome to Community Clinical Research

Since 1993, I have overseen the development of Community Clinical Research. We have contributed to the introduction of many important new treatments for mental illnesses, provided a thoughtful alternative to several thousand study participants, and brought together a careful, creative and energetic group of professionals whose sole focus has been research to improve treatments for mental illnesses.

I am very proud of the work we have accomplished as well as our ever-expanding capabilities.

-Kris Brown, C.E.O.

Community Clinical Research is proud to be an employee-owned company. Transitioning to an ESOP in 2015, our clinic continues to value our longstanding commitments to our patients, to the quality of our work, and to our sponsor relationships.

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Principal Investigator


Since 1994, David Brown, M.D. has conducted hundreds of clinical trials of investigational medications for mental illnesses including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, PTSD. Dr. Brown has worked as a consultant to various contract research organizations and pharmaceutical companies.  Dr. Brown has over 25 years of experience with a variety of diagnostic, cognitive, and efficacy rating scales designed to assess a myriad of mental illnesses. Dr. Brown also has an interest in utilizing diagnostic instruments such as EEG and FMRI and their evoked potentials in psychiatry. Dr. Brown is bilingual in English and Spanish. Click here for his CV.

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Phone: (512) 323-2622

Fax: (512) 323-2625

Address: 8334 Cross Park Dr, Austin, TX 78754, USA

©2018 Community Clinical Research.

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